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One place for dental care and oral health

Keeping your teeth health should be your priority in order to reduce risk of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer and more. Regular dental check up helps to improve oral health.

Endodontics Treatment or Extraction: Take Your Choice

What would you prefer if told you must undergo endodontics treatment on your tooth because it is severely decayed? First of all, you would try to understand what endodontics treatment is, and upon realizing that it entails root canal therapy, you would think it is time to run out of the dentist's office. Your fears of root canal therapy are justified because many myths spread about how painful this procedure is. However, you wouldn't want to have your tooth extracted, knowing full well it will affect your smile besides causing numerous other difficulties. You may think you should dig around more to understand where you should undergo this procedure.

You would have discovered your need for root canal therapy when you visit your dentist for tooth decay treatment. Suppose you choose to have root canal treatment in Culver City. In that case, you are selecting a dental clinic with experience managing these processes because it is performed by an experienced dental professional. The tooth caused severe pain and sensitivity when chewing or biting and left you with swollen and tender gums. While your thought of running away from the dentist's office is understandable, you reserve commendations because you had the tooth decay examined immediately after you experienced discomfort with it. However, trying to overlook the dentist's recommendations will not prove beneficial and will only lead to tooth extraction.

Endodontists are performing millions of root canals every year to preserve teeth. They are the specialists in treating infections and inflammation within your tooth to relieve you from the pain you are experiencing from the infected pulp. Of course, the root canal procedure is surgical, and similar to all other surgical procedures, it is painful when you are undergoing it. However, adequate anesthesia is administered to you to help you relax and feel comfortable. You do feel some pressure on the tooth but will experience no pain during the process.

Source : American Association Of Endodontists

The specialists examine and x-rays your tooth before administering anesthesia. After your tooth is numb, it is isolated with a rubber dam to keep it clean and free from saliva during the procedure

The specialist makes a tiny access hole in the crown of your tooth and uses small instruments to clean the pulp from its chamber and root canals before shaping the space for fillings. After the area is cleaned and shaped, the specialist fills the root canals with a biocompatible rubberlike material called gutta-percha. To ensure appropriate sealing of the root canal, adhesive cement is placed with gutta-percha. After that, the placement of a temporary filling closes the access hole created on the crown.

After undergoing the treatment, you must return to your dentist to restore the tooth with a crown or other restoration to protect and restore it to full functionality. The reason for the crown is because your tooth is fragile after root canal treatment and needs protection against cracks and fractures.

The dental clinic provides instructions on how you can care for the tooth after undergoing this procedure. You will feel some discomfort after returning home, which is quickly manageable using over-the-counter or prescription painkillers provided by the dentist. When any dental professional offers you the choice between tooth extraction or endodontics treatment, your answer must always favor the latter because it helps to preserve your tooth. Find us on the web.

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